Showing 11 products in 5 families
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Technical Note

NanoScan Applications

NanoScan applications are normally processes and the problems that are solved by them are usually one of the processes, such as an alignment, collimation, or a precise focusing process …

Technical Note

Finding the Center of the NanoScan

The center of the NanoScan can be found by the following steps.

Technical Note

Care of NanoScan Apertures

The NanoScan slit and pinhole aperture substrates are very thin and extremely fragile. Any physical contact will likely damage them. For example, fiber tips placed too close to the …

Blog Post

Finding the center of the NanoScan

Finding the mechanical location of your laser beam can be important in some applications.Using a NanoScan (Scanning Slit Beam Profiling) you can find a mechanical location of the center …

Technical Note

Multiple Beam Analysis with the NanoScan

The NanoScan software allows the characterization of up to 16 simultaneous beams entering the aperture, allowing the user to examine and evaluate various standard beam parameters displayed …

Technical Article

Measuring Pulsed Lasers with NanoScan 2s

The NanoScan 2s is the newest scanning slit, sensor-based, beam profiling system from Ophir-Spiricon LLC. It can profile pulsed laser beams with repetition rates in the 10 kHz range …



High Power NanoScan Addendum to NanoScan v2™ Installation And Operation Manual


NanoScan 2s Slit Profiler Demonstration

This video gives an overview NanoScan 2s slit-based laser beam profiler.

Technical Note

NanoScan Common causes of Damage to Scanheads & Reasons for Out-of-Tolerance Conditions

Scanhead damage can be categorized into two main types; Laser and Mechanical. Laser damage is the most prevalent, and results from exposure to lasers with excessive laser power/energy …

Technical Note

How Can You Tell if Your NanoScan Has a Bad Slit?

It isn’t always obvious when a NanoScan has a damaged slit. There’s no loud sound and often no obvious problem with the equipment or the results. Since the damage is often confined …

Blog Post

The NanoScan Beam Profiler For aligning fiber optic components

Fiber optic telecommunications systems include optical components where light exits the fiber, is directed through optical elements such as optical filters or optical amplifiers, and …

Blog Post

Image Profile Of A Lens Or Optical System Using NanoScan

Best Focus and Minimum Spot DiameterUsing a NanoScan and standard optical accessories, acceptance testing and final system performance of a lens, lens assembly, optical subsystem, or …



NanoScan2 is a PC-based instrument for the measurement and analysis of optical beam spatial profiles in accordance with ISO standards. Beam profiles are measured in accordance with …

Blog Post

NanoScan-Scanning-Slit Profilers: Common causes of damage & reasons for out-of-tolerance

With proper care, your NanoScan slit-based beam profiler will provide many years of trouble-free operation. This video provides tips to help you get the most life from your NanoScan …

Blog Post

Photon Introduces NanoScan™ v2, Enhanced User Interface for Scanning Slit Laser Beam Profiler

North Logan, UT – Photon, global leader in precision laser measurement equipment and a Newport Corporation brand, today announced NanoScan v2, the newest version of the company’s scanning …

Blog Post

Tech Tip: Frequency Measurement

When measuring pulsed beams with the NanoScan, it is important to input the correct pulse rate into the software. Often this is not the value that the laser manufacturer reports or …

Technical Article

Measuring Divergence of Custom Optical Fibers

Measurement of the divergence of such sources can be made using either the Goniometric Radiometer or NanoScan family of products. The accuracy and detail of the measurement depends …

Blog Post

Why choose scanning slit based laser beam profilers?

If I asked you to forget everything you know about beam profiling and come up with a way to take a “picture” of a laser, what comes to mind? The most obvious answer is to use a camera …

Technical Note

Determining Damage Thresholds for Laser Measurement with a Slit Based Profiler

Many applications require that precise information about laser beam sizes be known, but these lasers may be capable of damaging the profilers. The slit-based profiler, such as the Photon …

Technical Note

BeamScan Replacement Chart

As the BeamScan products reach the end of their useful lifetime, we are often asked which NanoScan models most closely match an existing BeamScan model.