Lightweight Zoom Lenses for Thermal Imaging EO Systems

Discover our low-SWaP Continuous zoom lenses
Ophir's LightIR thermal imaging zoom lenses are renowned for being both lightweight and high-performance. These lenses are specifically designed for use in a wide range of reduced SWaP applications, including unmanned aerial systems (UAS), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), aircraft vision systems, drones, and handheld applications such as thermal imagers (HHTI).

Where minimal is critical

The outstanding optomechanical design of the MWIR and LWIR LightIR product family ensures that these lenses are the lightest and most compact on the market today, while still achieving the highest levels of imaging performance.

Key Features

  • High MTF performance
  • Lightweight, compact configurations
  • Optimized for stabilized payloads
  • Suitable for a wide range of reduced SWaP applications
  • Maintain focus through the entire zoom range
  • Cost-effective design and structure

Introducing LightIR Zoom Lens Product Family

LightIR 10-135mm f/3.6 and 18-225mm f/3.6 MWIR Imaging Lenses

The LightIR 10-135mm and 18-225mm f/3.6 MWIR cooled continuous zoom lenses, are lightweight, compact, thermal imaging lenses, optimized for VGA 10µm detectors. The lenses feature a compact design with reduced optical elements design that significantly decreases the length and weight of the lens resulting in a more compact and lightweight optical system.

  • LightIR 10-135mm f/3.6: Weighs only 250gr, making it 20% smaller than similar lenses and the smallest continuous zoom lens on the market today.
  • LightIR 18-225mm f/3.6: Weighs only 300gr, significantly smaller than similar lenses.

With detection range exceeding 11km and 15km respectively, these new LightIR lenses are ideal for the demanding requirements of SWaP and small gimbal thermal imaging applications.

LightIR 16-180 mm f/3.6 MWIR Imaging Lens

The LightIR 16-180mm f/3.6 is a compact, thermal MWIR cooled imaging lens optimized for 10µm pitch VGA FPA detectors. Featuring a folded optics design that significantly reduces the length of the lens and, therefore, the overall size and weight of the optical system in which it is incorporated. The lens is 65% smaller than existing MWIR 10µm VGA lenses. This makes it ideal for the demanding requirements of reduced size, weight, and power (SWaP) and small gimbal thermal imaging applications.

LightIR 18-225 mm f/4.0 MWIR Imaging Lens

The LightIR 18-225mm f/4 continuous zoom lens is a compact MWIR cooled thermal imaging lens, optimized for 10 μm SXGA and 15 μm VGA FPA (focal plane array) detectors. It weighs only 326 grams - 19% lighter than existing similar lenses. Its advanced design offers SWaP capabilities, a detection range exceeding 16km, and easy integration into camera systems.

LightIR 20-275mm f/5.5 MWIR Imaging Lens

Weighing only 264 g, LightIR 20-275mm f/5.5 is the smallest, most lightweight continuous zoom lens on the market, with long-range capabilities of up to 14.9 km detection range.

LightIR 15-75mm f/1.2 LWIR Imaging Lens

Optimized for 10-12 μm uncooled LWIR cameras, the  LightIR 15-75mm f/1.2 weighs only 320 g, making it the most lightweight continuous zoom lenses on the market, with up to 7.1 km detection range.

DRI (Detection, Recognition & Identification) Performance

LightIR 15-75 mm f/1.2

LightIR 10-135mm f/3.6

LightIR 16-180 mm f/3.6

LightIR 18-225mm f/3.6

LightIR 18-225 mm f/4.0

LightIR 20-275 mm f/5.5

LightIR Products

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