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Includes Beamsquared software, Optical train and lenses
BSQ SP1203 license kit
Includes: Beamsquared Software license. Gigabit to USB3 adaptor, CAT6 Ethernet cable 0.5M, external power & trigger cable, and power supply


  • Product Name
    BeamSquared® SP1203
  • Sensor Type
  • Spectral Range
    900-1700 nm
  • Communication Interface
    USB 3.0
  • Active Area
    9.6mm x 7.6mm
  • Elements
    640 x 512
  • Effective Pixel Pitch
  • Dynamic Range
    68 dB
  • Full Resolution Frame Rate
  • Beam Size
    1 - 10 mm (Auto Mode)
  • Camera Model
  • Software
  • CE Compliance
  • UKCA Compliance
  • China RoHS Compliance


BeamSquared M² Propagation Analyzer

Introducing the BeamSquared, a compact and fully automated tool for measuring the propagation characteristics of continuous wave and pulsed laser systems from the UV to NIR to Telecom wavelengths.

BeamSquared Automated ISO Set-Up

This video describes the BeamSquared software Auto ISO measurement feature, which makes obtaining an ISO compliant beam measurement as easy as "align and click."

Automatic M² - at Production Speeds

The BeamSquared optical train uses a fixed position lens with movable mirrors and camera. The mirrors that direct the focused beam into the camera are moved to precise locations, translating the beam through the near field, the waist, and the far field regions. All these measurements and translations, as well as incremental beam attenuation, are automatically controlled by the BeamSquared software. Design improvements in the BeamSquared system have decreased the measurement reporting time by 2-3 times, making it possible to report M² in under a minute.

Manual M²

Manual mode is available for wavelengths greater than NIR, particularly Terahertz and above, and for beams that are too large or too small for the BeamSquared optical system. Users are required to provide a manual translation/attenuation apparatus.

2D Measurements

BeamSquared measures propagation characteristics in both the X and Y axes and displays the following parameters:

  •  Wֺֺaist diameters
  •  Fֺֺull angle Divergences
  •  Wֺֺaist locations
  •  Rֺֺayleigh lengths
  •  Mֺֺ2 or K and BPP factors
  •  Aֺֺstigmatism
  •  Aֺֺsymmetry

To optimize bench space, BeamSquared can be mounted either horizontally or vertically. Laser beam input port is the same dimension with either mounting method, X = Y, and the same as the M2 -200s that it is replacing.

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