OEM and Custom Sensors

Many laser systems manufacturers need to have a measuring capability built into their systems. With extensive experience accumulated in the field, Ophir offers the largest variety of OEM products and is therefore best able to satisfy customer requirements. An OEM solution is usually needed to monitor laser performance in the system, and possibly to provide fast feedback for system control.

Custom Configurations

Depending on your application, various configurations can be used, such as:

  • Just a sensor, with raw analog output
  • Sensor with electronics providing an amplified – or digital – output
  • Complete instrument, including embedded/external virtual meter or numeric display.
  • Custom designed solution for special requirements

Contact us to get a sensor tailored to your needs.
Browse our most common standard OEM sensors below.

Standard OEM Power Sensors
The OEM “standard” sensors are actually families of existing OEM sensors with typical specifications shown. They can be tailored as needed to fit your specific requirements. In addition to the products described, Ophir has developed hundreds of other OEM solutions. These compact laser power sensors have built-in amplifiers and are easy to install. They contain all the electronics needed including algorithms to increase the sensor's speed of response.
Standard OEM Energy Sensors
The OEM “standard” sensors are actually families of existing OEM sensors with typical specifications shown. They can be tailored as needed to fit your specific requirements. In addition to the products described, Ophir has developed hundreds of other OEM solutions. Simply fill out the Sensor Customization form so we can provide just the right solution for your needs.
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