Software Solutions

Ophir has several complete software solutions. In addition, Ophir offers a COM object and LabVIEW demos for system integrators. This Software / Firmware Listing shows the compatibility between the power meters and the software program, and also includes the power meter firmware update information.

Full Software Solutions

Ophir has several software options for turning your PC into a complete laser measurement workstation. StarLab, the flagship software solution, is for USB devices. RS232 devices should use StarCom. Other devices are available for specific cases; see below.

StarLab v3.93

Supported Devices USB: IPM-10KW, Ariel, Centauri, StarBright, StarLite, Juno, Juno+, Vega, Nova II, Pulsar
Ethernet: EA-1, Centauri
Bluetooth: Quasar
Release Date 19-Jan-2025

StarCom v3.20
(for RS232 devices)

Supported Devices RS232: Vega, Nova II, LaserStar, Nova
Release Date 13-Apr-2008


Supported Devices StarViewer (Android app) v3.08.3
USB: Juno
Bluetooth: Quasar, Ariel

StarViewer (iOS app) v1.1.4
Bluetooth: Ariel

WaterFlowMeter Software v1.12

Supported Devices RS232: 6K-W, 120K-W
Release Date 03-Mar-2016

OphirEthernetApp Software v1.21

Supported Devices Ethernet: EA-1
Release Date 19-March-2025

Helios Pro Software v1.14

Supported Devices RS232: Helios Pro-Profinet, Helios Pro-EtherNet/IP, Helios EtherNet/IP-M, Helios Pro – EtherCAT
Release Date 09-Sep-2024

IPM-COM Web Utility Software v1.05

Supported Devices IPM-COM-EtherNet/IP-M, IPM-COM-Profinet
Release Date 22-Sep-2021

Integrator Solutions

Ophir devices are easily incorporated into larger end-user applications. This allows system integrators to leverage Ophir's excellence in measurement capabilities with legacy analysis packages.

COM Object

Device Compatibility Ariel, Centauri, StarBright, StarLite, Juno, Juno+, Vega, Nova II, Pulsar


Device Compatibility Ariel, Centauri, StarBright, StarLite, Juno, Juno+, Vega, Nova II, Pulsar

LabVIEW Libraries for Nova

Device Compatibility Nova

LabVIEW Libraries for LaserStar Dual Channel

Device Compatibility LaserStar Dual Channel

LabVIEW Libraries for LaserStar Single Channel

Device Compatibility LaserStar Single Channel

Legacy LabVIEW Libraries

Device Compatibility Juno, Vega, Nova II

User Commands

Device Compatibility Ariel, Centauri, StarBright, StarLite, Juno, Juno+, Vega, Nova II, Pulsar
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