Laser Measurement


Ophir Optics designs and produces a full range of precision IR optics for defense, security and commercial markets, as well as optics for high power CO2 Laser and Fiber Laser mach …


1 Micron Fiber Laser Optics Brochure

With decades of knowledge and experience in the optical industry, using cutting-edge measurement equipment, Ophir offers a wide array of first-class optics for high power fiber lasers …


Measuring low power, slowly pulsing beams: “Low Frequency Power”

Are you trying to measure a low-power, slowly pulsing beam (think of a VCSEL beam for example) – and getting frustrated? Measuring low-power, slowly pulsing beams using photodiode sensors …


Auto Range: Issues to Be Aware of

Laser power meters have a wide dynamic range typically divided into several scales or “ranges”.


Certificate of Calibration (C.O.C.) Explained

The Certificate of Calibration (C.O.C.) certifies that your Ophir instrument meets all its specifications. It tells you – quantitatively - exactly how accurate your Ophir measurement …


Juno-RS: The New RS232-based Virtual Meter

If you need to connect your laser power or energy sensors to an automation system – or to a PC – using RS232 communication, the new Juno-RS Virtual Meter from Ophir may be just the …


Understanding Laser Measurement Accuracy

If you’re using a laser in your process or research, you already know how important it is to monitor what your laser is doing – so you regularly measure it. You even check the power …


Product Feature: 3A-IS Integrating Sphere Sensor

Measuring a widely diverging, low power beam (think of laser diodes, fibers, etc.) can be challenging. The 3A-IS family of Integrating Sphere Sensors can help you fully capture and …


Fiber Optic Adapters for Ophir Sensors

Need to measure a laser beam coming out of a fiber? To do it right, the fiber will need to be suitably positioned in front of the sensor, and held steady. Learn about fiber adapters …


Ophir SupIR 25mm f/1.2 LWIR lens, integrated in VIENTO 1280 by Sierra-Olympia

The SupIR 25mm f/1.2 LWIR uncooled lens is compatible with 17µm VGA and 12µm SXGA format cameras. The lens weights only 57gr, size Ø34.9x 29mm which makes her lightweight and compact, …


Introducing the FoldIR 30-450mm f/3.4: high performance, long-range, ideal for small size gimbals

Introducing the FoldIR 30-450mm f/3.4: high performance, long-range, ideal for small size gimbals


SWIR NIR 25-250mm f/5.5 (NFOV) f/4 (WFOV): Low-SWaP, Long-Range, Cont. Zoom for 5µm pixel detectors

SWIR NIR 25-250mm f/5.5 (NFOV) f/4 (WFOV): Low-SWaP, Long-Range, Cont. Zoom for 5µm pixel detectors


Ophir IR LONG RANGE Zoom Lenses for Security, Surveillance & CUAS. Meeting Your Long Distance Needs.

Explore Ophir's comprehensive catalog of long-range IR zoom lenses, designed for both commercial and defense applications including observation and C-UAS systems. Our LWIR, MWIR, and …


SupIR 15-300mm f/4.0 Beautiful Paris in Thermal Imaging Integrated in Noxant NoxCore HD

HD thermal imaging video of the streets of Paris taken using Ophir's 15-300mm f/4 MWIR zoom lens integrated in Noxant NOX CORE HD


LightIR 18-225 f/4 Low-SWaP IR Zoom Lenses for Cooled MWIR and Uncooled LWIR Cameras - for UAVs & Drones

Ophir® Low-SWaP IR Zoom Lenses for Cooled MWIR and Uncooled LWIR Cameras - for UAVs & Drones


Details on all of our laser measurement instruments.

Technical Note

Discontinued Products

In this table you will find the product that is the closest match to the product you were looking for (with links to detailed specifications). These products are no longer available: …

Application Notes

Application Note: Swir & Nir Imaging In Aerial Electro-Optical Systems (EOS)

There is a debate as to whether innovative technology drives strategic operations or whether evolutionary operations drive strategic technological advances. Both are likely true and …

Application Notes

Advances In IR Zoom Lenses For Security

Infrared (IR) imaging technology is pivotal in modern security and surveillance systems, enabling the detection, recognition, and identification (DRI) of objects under various environmental …

Technical Note

Obsolete Laser Beam Analysis Products

In this table you will find the product that is the closest match to the product you were looking for (with links to detailed specifications). These products are no longer available: 

SP90144M2 …

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