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C-NFP Assy
Near Field Beam Profiler, 10X, 20X, 40X, 60X, 400-700 nm
8 Weeks
8 Weeks


  • Spectral Range
    190-1100 nm
  • Beam Size
    50 µm and smaller


Camera Near Field Profiler

The Camera Near Field Profiler is a camera-based attachment for beam profiling of lasers in the near field. It can also be used with camera profilers to analyze small beams and involves a microscope objective lens to image the beam onto a camera detector array. This technique expands the measurement range of the camera to include smaller beams, which could not be ordinarily measured due to the pixel size of the detector array. Near field profiling is performed in fiber and waveguide analysis, lens characterization, and other applications where a beam of 50 µm or smaller is analyzed.

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