Compare Model Drawings, CAD & Specs Availability Price
OEM Thermopile Power Sensor, 100 µW to 3 W, Ø9.5 mm, 0.19-20 µm
OEM Thermopile Power Sensor, 10 mW to 4/20 W, Ø12 mm, 0.19-11 µm
OEM Thermopile Power Sensor, 10 mW to 4/20 W, Ø12 mm, 0.19-20 µm, RS232
OEM Thermopile Power Sensor, 10 mW to 4/20 W, Ø12 mm, 0.19-20 µm, USB
OEM Thermopile Power Sensor, 10 mW to 4/20 W, Ø12 mm, 0.19-20 µm, Ethernet


OEM Laser Power Meter and Sensor

In this video, Jimmy Green, Ophir OEM Specialist, explains how Ophir can solve laser measurement challenges if a solution cannot be found from the hundreds of products in our catalog.

Cooling of OEM Sensors: Heat Sinking

Many of Ophir’s OEM power sensors have a maximum average power specification of “XX watts free standing, YY watts heat sinked.” In this video, you will learn some guidelines for making sure that a sensor has been provided with proper heat sinking so it does not get damaged.

Clarifications: Range Selection, Measurement Duration

Sometimes, even experienced users of laser measurement equipment come across some issues that, although basic, need to be clarified. This video reviews 2 such issues: (1) selection of correct range when it's not quite obvious (and what happens if one goes over range), and (2) how long a measurement duration may be.

LP2 Sensors Coating With Very High Damage Threshold and Very Low Reflection

Even higher damage threshold…flat spectral response…absorption up to 96%... These are some of the characteristics of the new “LP2” type laser power sensors from Ophir.

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